

Although educated in fine art, Gomes’ main influence has been from the underground or lowbrow art scene. Following her tertiary education in KwaZulu-Natal, Gomes moved to Cape Town and was inspired by street art and comic book art which finally allowed her the space to explore and perhaps indulge in other forms of artistic expression.

Having Portuguese heritage, but being raised in South Africa, Gomes’ primary exploration is in concepts of identity and gaining a sense of permission to associate with the various cultures of one’s birthplace, but which can be exclusionary due to an one’s specific lineage.

Myths and fairy tales are incredibly fascinating to Gomes and she finds that they help to gain an understanding of complex moral topics. Along with various other childhood elements such as toys, games and the like Gomes finds the innocence creates both a palatable and a potent dichotomy when handling every day topics in politics, identity and society.

In her work, Gomes typically favours a mixed-media approach. This provides for greater depth of meaning and opportunity to explore the various aspects of a work from different perspectives.


I am currently open for commissions. Please email me to request a commission. Please note that commissions need to be similar to current work; this ensures the best possible result.


Please contact me via email regarding exhibitions, speaking events or usage of my work.